
[Image description: photograph of a brick fireplace. A single log is beginning to burn with small flames, and there are brightly glowing embers scattered beneath that.]

I heard their words direct at me. When I grasped the sounds, they related precisely what was felt. I allowed their words to be about me, to confront me, and to attack me, and I allowed the utterances to be real.

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Sometimes I Just See Dragons

[Image description: close photograph of a bright burst of flames against a dark background. The brightest flames rise to the upper left corner of the image.]

Floating on their nimbus wings
And breathing lightning at the ground—
And the thunderclap! It sounds!

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PoetryJ. D. Blood
Avra Margariti: Two Poems

[Image Description: The fingers of elderly hand rest on an open palm, touching a red rose in full bloom in the foreground. Leaves recede in the background.]

How do you navigate love in the midst of your family’s historical trauma? Avra Margariti questions the closets we put ourselves in for necessity and survival with “Grandma’s Wars” and “Two Birds.”

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SP Mulroy: Four Poems

[Image Description: A modernist house sits on the Hollywood Hills with the Hollywood signs against a muted lavender sky in background.]

SP Mulroy’s poems explore the potential lives passed away queer Hollywood figures may have lived, and the ways they may have inhabited the world.

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What They Knew

[Image description: close photograph of a pair of closed pink lips, lightly coated in lipgloss.]

We sat together in art class. She practiced her calligraphy and I painted beaches.
Lito asked me if she had turned me into a lesbian.

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PoetryArea Guede
Storm At Sea

[Image description: photograph of the rigging of a large sailing ship against the backdrop of a cloudy sky.]

Nobody will tell you the secret
behind those stories:
they were written by men
who want to believe
that women are nothing more
than ships that cannot sail.

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PoetrySarena Tien