Frequently Asked Questions

What is Argot’s response rate on submissions?

Expect to hear from us within two months. We're a small team and we have general backlog to work through. Be patient, we respond to every pitch we receive, and you're welcome to contact us if you don't hear back after sixty days. 


Do you take work that has been published elsewhere?

No, we don't accept previously published work. We google all submissions to double check their publication status. Tumblr or personal blogs do not count as 'previously published.' 


Does Argot pay for work?

Yes, we pay all of our writers and artists! Our range is between $35 to $100 USD for written work, up to $250 for photojournalism. 


how do I submit my work for your print edition/Will my piece be in Argot's print edition? 

Argot Magazine currently publishes in print once every Spring. We put out a specific call for submissions within a theme for the edition. We’re currently looking for work for our third edition!


my piece has been accepted by argot-what now?

Congrats! You will be sent a contract by our lovely intern and assigned to the appropriate editor who will work in tandem with you on your piece to get it in ideal publishing form.


Do I have to sign my contract with my legal or dead name?

Legal names are a preference, but it's not necessary. It's only necessary that you use a name that has been associated with you on a continuous basis. 


I don’t have a scanner; how do I return my contract?

We recommend using a free PDF editor like DocHub or you can use your phone to take a picture of a printed and signed contract.


I returned my contract. What happens next?

Your assigned editor will contact you so you can begin with any required revision. We never publish a piece you haven't 100% okayed and feel comfortable with. Once your piece is ready for publication you will be asked to provide a bio (<50 words) to accompany your piece.


How does payment work?

We use PayPal and require an email address associated with PayPal. Payment is completed within two months of publication. We will make exception for those who live in countries where PayPal does not function.


If you have any other questions or concerns you can write us at or click the button below.